Nabertherm Laboratory Furnaces
Buy Nabertherm laboratory furnaces from MSE Supplies for the best price. Nabertherm is one of the world's leading manufacturers of laboratory furnaces, based in Germany. Nabertherm offers a wide range of muffle furnaces, drying ovens, high-temperature or tube furnaces. With more than 70 years of experience and one of the largest engineering departments in the furnace industry, the name Nabertherm stands for high-quality products, future-oriented innovations, worldwide service, and reliability - made in Germany. More than 100,000 customers in over 100 countries underline this.
MSE Supplies is an authorized distributor of Nabertherm GmbH and has all categories of Nabertherm furnaces including:
Ovens and Forced Convention Furnaces up to 850°C
Muffle Furnaces up to 1400°C
Chamber Furnaces up to 1400°C
High-Temperature Furnaces up to 1800°C
Tube Furnaces up to 1800°C
Furnaces for Special Applications