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MSE PRO 50g SUPER C65 Nano Carbon Black Conductive Additive for Batter– MSE Supplies LLC

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MSE PRO 50g SUPER C65 Nano Carbon Black Conductive Additive for Battery Cathode and Anode

SKU: PO0713

  • $ 8995

Product Name: TIMCAL SUPER C65 Nano Carbon Black Conductive Additive for Battery Cathode and Anode 

SKU#: PO0713

Package: 50 grams per bottle (Please contact us for volume discount if you need to order a higher quantity. Bulk order will be in bulk packaging. )
CAS Number: 1333-86-4

Country of Origin: Belgium


Volatile Content

0.15 % max

Toluene Extract

0.1% max

Ash content (600°C)

0.010% max

Grit content > 45 microns / 325 mesh

<2 ppm

Grit content > 20 microns / 625 mesh

<10 ppm

BET specific surface area (SSA)

63.2 m2/g

Primary Particle Size (based on TEM) less than 50 nm

Adsorption stiffness value

32 ml/5g




0.16 g/cm3

Sulfur Content


pH 9.4
Iron (Fe) 1 ppm
Nickel (Ni) <1 ppm
Cobalt (Co) < 1 ppm
Vanadium (V) < 1 ppm
Chromium (Cr) < 1 ppm
Copper (Cu) < 1 ppm
Package Packaged in an air-tight container sealed in an aluminum vacuum bag

Note: Please bake the SUPER C65 carbon black powder in an oven at 150 ~ 200°C to remove absorbed moisture before using it to make slurry for coating.

The C-NERGY SUPER C65 is a high performance conductive carbon black powder made by IMERYS. SUPER C65 was introduced by IMERYS as an improved version of the SUPER P carbon black. SUPER C65 is an ultra-high purity product that has been used as a conductive additive in lithium ion battery electrodes (cathode and anode) to improve the battery performance.


a. The lowest Fe impurity level (1 ppm)

b. High specific surface area (62 m2/g)

c. Superior battery performance

The Imerys C-NERGY SUPER C65 carbon black meets the highest purity requirements for low metallic impurities and grit. The primary purpose of use of these SUPER C65 carbon black is to provide electrical conductivity to lithium-ion battery electrodes at low to very low loading.

Application Benefits:

  • Increased battery safety
  • Lower rejection ratio
  • Fully compatible with most electrolyte systems
  • No additional pre-dispersing is needed
  • No dispersing aid is needed
  • Very high loading is possible
  • Cost savings on NMP and faster drying time
  • High energy density
  • Improved power density
  • Cost reduction thanks to lower dosage needed
  • Improved flexibility of the electrode


Thick Electrodes for High Energy Lithium Ion Batteries, Madhav Singha, Jorg Kaiser and Horst Hahna, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2015 volume 162, issue 7, A1196-A1201, doi: 10.1149/2.0401507jes

Thicker electrode layers for lithium ion cells have a favorable electrode to current collector ratio per stack volume and provide reduced cell manufacturing costs due to fewer cutting and stapling steps. The aim of this work is to investigate the delivery of energy in such cells compared to cells with thinner electrodes. In this regard, lithium ion cells with single sided 70 um and 320 um NMC based cathodes and graphite based anodes with low binder and carbon black (SUPER C65) contents were prepared and tested in half cell and full cell configurations. Thick and thin electrodes showed capacity losses of only 6% upon cycling at C-rates of C/10 and C/5 while cycling at C/2 resulted in significant losses of 37% for the thick electrodes and only 8% for the thin electrodes. Pouch cells with thick electrodes showed 19% higher volumetric energy density at C/5 in comparison to thinner electrodes. This can be an innovative approach to reduce cell costs and to achieve more competitive prices per energy for applications where only medium to small C-rates are required.

Toward practical all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries with high energy density and safety: Comparative study for electrodes fabricated by dry- and slurry-mixing processes, Young Jin Nam, Dae Yang Oh, Sung Hoo Jung, Yoon Seok Jung, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 375, 31 January 2018, Pages 93-101, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.11.031

Super C65 carbon black, NMC622 cathode and solid state electrolyte materials were used in this work.

Conductive Additive for Si/Mesoporous Carbon Anode for Li-Ion Batteries:
Commercial Graphite vs Super C65, Arlavinda Rezqita, Raad Hamid, Sabine Schwarz, Hermann Kronberger, Atanaska Trifonovaa, ECS Transactions, 66 (9) 17-27 (2015)