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MSE PRO Products– MSE Supplies LLC

Free Shipping on MSE PRO Online Orders of $500 or More! U.S. Orders Only * Offer Excludes Hazmat Shipments *

MSE PRO.png__PID:394a3d3b-3d79-458c-936b-36908aad5fba

The official brand of MSE Supplies

Advanced Materials.png__PID:7b8bcd2f-8f21-48a5-a300-412dbf1a0ad2
Laboratory Equipment (1).png__PID:6299b248-0346-4110-ba0a-4fbd4f8f1975
Laboratory Supplies.png__PID:bf1a0ad2-4954-4cfe-ba15-4b8b66ec847c
Customized Solutions.png__PID:e4e538aa-9746-4fb7-bc2e-d3ece868e476
Analytical Services.png__PID:1a0ad249-54ac-4efa-954b-8b66ec847c3d

Advanced Materials

Evaporation Material Center 296x234 (1).png__PID:c4eba5e2-3006-4c27-8651-ed6238548037
Evaporation Materials
Graphene and Graphene Oxide.png__PID:37a5c4d5-856e-4ca5-923e-cac876fc094c
Graphene and Graphene Oxide
High-Purity Inorganic Materials.png__PID:d8bba5ab-c40c-4966-8115-f6bf28d47577
High-Purity Inorganic Chemicals
Lithium Battery Materials.png__PID:2e84ee5d-f396-4829-b7a5-c4d5856eaca5
Lithium Battery Materials
Luminiescent Materials - Phophors.png__PID:84ee5df3-9658-4937-a5c4-d5856eaca5d2
Luminescent Materials
Molecular Sieves.png__PID:ee5df396-5829-47a5-84d5-856eaca5d23e
Molecular Sieves
Nano Materials.png__PID:64d8bba5-abc4-4cc9-a601-15f6bf28d475
Nano Materials
Optical Components.png__PID:f3965829-37a5-44d5-856e-aca5d23ecac8
Optical Components
Organic Chemicals.jpeg__PID:edcca776-6fd9-4359-a6b7-340961599d7f
Organic Chemicals
Single Crystral Wafer and substrates.png__PID:96582937-a5c4-4585-aeac-a5d23ecac876
Single Crystals, Wafers and Substrates
Sputtering Targets.png__PID:582937a5-c4d5-456e-aca5-d23ecac876fc
Sputtering Targets

Laboratory Equipment 

Battery Material Analysis.png__PID:3468f2cd-cf75-47d2-905d-d6a19c01c2e4
Battery Material Analysis
MSE PRO Benchtop Electric Hot Roller Press (up to 120°C) with Variable Speed for Electrode Sheet Calendaring (Ar Glovebox Compatible).png__PID:96657b34-8763-4c5a-987b-1adbae1882f5
Battery R&D Equipment
MSE PRO Temperature Cycling Test Chamber for Battery and Electronic Research, 150L.png__PID:6d3531e3-bc96-499c-8a3a-9c59a9233b8b
Battery Testing Systems
MSE PRO Benchtop High-Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge (21,000 RPM).png__PID:d579559c-811c-43df-86d4-5779a623c27c
MSE PRO Process Water Chiller for 1kW Fiber Laser Engraver Cutter Welder.png__PID:9c811c03-df86-4457-b9a6-23c27c81a8ee
Coating Equipment.png__PID:68f2cdcf-75f7-42d0-9dd6-a19c01c2e4ab
Coating Equipment
Cold Traps.png__PID:f2cdcf75-f7d2-405d-96a1-9c01c2e4ab4b
Cold Traps
Cryogenic Storage.png__PID:cdcf75f7-d2d0-4dd6-a19c-01c2e4ab4b00
Cryogenic Storage
Desiccator Cabinets.png__PID:cf75f7d2-d05d-46a1-9c01-c2e4ab4b00d2
Desiccator Cabinets
Drying Ovens.png__PID:75f7d2d0-5dd6-419c-81c2-e4ab4b00d2b1
Drying Ovens
MSE PRO Lab Stoppering Type Freeze Dryer for Biologically Active Substance Drying, 4kg Water Capture Capacity.png__PID:559c811c-03df-46d4-9779-a623c27c81a8
Freeze Dryers
MSE PRO 72” Width Ducted Fume Hood.png__PID:8ad2b4a9-7411-4a40-a6c4-b613059087d4
Fume Hoods
Gel Imaging Transferring.png__PID:f7d2d05d-d6a1-4c01-82e4-ab4b00d2b17a
Gel Imaging Transferring
MSE PRO Single-Station Glove Box for Battery Research.png__PID:811c03df-86d4-4779-a623-c27c81a8eefb
Glove Boxes
Hydrogen Generator.jpeg__PID:ff7ab41d-1045-4c9a-86ef-7bc2a754f383
Hydrogen Generators
Incubators and Environmental Chambers.png__PID:5416e7cc-c222-4136-a49f-edd1be573386
Incubators and Environmental Chambers
Laboratory Furnaces.png__PID:d05dd6a1-9c01-42e4-ab4b-00d2b17a1ec8
Laboratory Furnaces
Laboratory Spectrometers.png__PID:5dd6a19c-01c2-44ab-8b00-d2b17a1ec843
Laboratory Spectrometers & Spectrophotometers
Metallography Equipment.jpeg__PID:1e57ac32-6fcf-4254-98c9-6d9296c70ab1
Metallography Equipment
MSE PRO Intelligent Flow Type Peristaltic Pump.png__PID:9696657b-3487-433c-9a18-7b1adbae1882
Peristaltic Pumps
Pellet Pressing Dies and Press (1).png__PID:1a969665-7b34-4763-bc5a-187b1adbae18
Pellet Pressing Dies and Press
Planetary Ball Mills.png__PID:a19c01c2-e4ab-4b00-92b1-7a1ec8431381
Planetary Ball Mills
MSE PRO 20L Lab Scale 3D Movement Powder Mixer.png__PID:23d57955-9c81-4c03-9f86-d45779a623c2
Powder Mixers
Roller Mills.png__PID:9c01c2e4-ab4b-40d2-b17a-1ec843138114
Roller Mills
Vacuum Pumps.png__PID:01c2e4ab-4b00-42b1-ba1e-c84313811458
Vacuum Pumps

Laboratory Supplies

Anode Materials.png__PID:bba5abc4-0cc9-4601-95f6-bf28d47577b2
Anode Materials
ESD Chairs & Stools.png__PID:17481d8b-0a18-4a98-aa4a-658ffff0cda8
Anti-Static Chairs & Stools
Cathode Materials.png__PID:ba1a16b2-3f3c-4e52-a5b7-9f0eba6e56e5
Cathode Materials
General Lab Supplies.png__PID:1a16b23f-3c1e-42e5-b79f-0eba6e56e537
General Lab Supplies
High Purity Lab Crucibles.png__PID:b79f0eba-6e56-4537-9531-353166c2bde6
High Purity Lab Crucibles
ITO & FTO Substrates.png__PID:9f0eba6e-56e5-47d5-b135-3166c2bde61e
ITO & FTO Substrates
Life Science Supplies.png__PID:0eba6e56-e537-4531-b531-66c2bde61e95
Life Science Supplies
Metal Foils.png__PID:b242e04f-974e-417c-b67b-66248d09dbea
Metal Foils & Chips
Metal Powders.png__PID:16b23f3c-1e52-45b7-9f0e-ba6e56e537d5
Metal Powders
Milling Media.png__PID:5ad2b294-226d-4891-a850-cdec49aaf16d
Milling Media
Nano Materials.png__PID:64d8bba5-abc4-4cc9-a601-15f6bf28d475
Nano Materials
Planetary Milling Jars.png__PID:5764d8bb-a5ab-440c-8966-0115f6bf28d4
Planetary Mill Jars
Planetary Mill Jars.png__PID:3c1e52e5-b79f-4eba-ae56-e537d5313531
Roller Mill Jars
Single Crystals, Wafers and Substrates.png__PID:ba6e56e5-37d5-4135-b166-c2bde61e9504
Single Crystals, Wafers and Substrates
Wafer Carrier Cases.png__PID:52e5b79f-0eba-4e56-a537-d531353166c2
Wafer Carrier Cases, Membrane Boxes and Gel Sticky Carrier Boxes

About MSE PRO Products

MSE PRO™ is a brand for products and services offered by MSE Supplies (, a leading global supplier of advanced materials, chemicals, R&D equipment and customized solutions. For years scientists, engineers and procurement professionals around the world have trusted MSE PRO™ products and services. From universities to research institutions and innovative companies, MSE PRO™ has become synonymous with market leading quality, precision and innovation.

The MSE PRO™ brand has developed a range of specialized chemicals, materials and laboratory equipment that are used in cutting-edge research and development projects across various industries. As the brand continues to grow, MSE PRO is rapidly expanding the product line to include market-leading product categories such as Biotechnology & Life Sciences, Environmental Science, Lithium Battery Research and Pilot Production as well as other advanced technological fields. The MSE PRO™ brand has developed a range of specialized chemicals, materials and laboratory equipment that are used in cutting-edge research and development across various industries.

Over time, the MSE PRO™ brand demonstrates its commitment to quality and innovation, which has helped it earn a reputation as a trusted product line for researchers and engineers worldwide. Today, MSE PRO™ is a global brand that is recognized for its top-notch quality, precision and innovation. MSE PRO™ products are used by leading minds all over the world who rely on them to conduct groundbreaking research and drive innovation in their respective fields.