Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy/Mass Spectrometry (GD-OES/MS) Analytical Service
Glow Discharge Spectroscopy
During measurement, it displays a time-intensity curve, which objectively reflects the changes in element intensity as sputtering time increases.
After measurement, the data is fitted according to the calibration curve and converted into a depth-percentage content curve.
This data can be directly imported into ORIGIN, where multiple y-axes (Y-axis) will correspond to different elements. Select the desired element for plotting (data columns labeled "Fi" in the dataset are instrument parameters and can be ignored).
Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry:
Provides semi-quantitative elemental data.
Sample Requirement
- Sample dimensions: approximately 2 cm in diameter and 0.5-2 cm in thickness; for powders, more than 2 g is required.
- The surface should be as smooth as possible, with a roughness preferably less than 3.
* Note: Data analysis service is not included in the list prices.
Highlights: High Quality Data, Competitive Pricing, Technical Support by Scientists.
Analytical Service Minimum order requirement: $250 per order. A $200 handling fee will be applied if order is below $250.
Please contact for additional information and instructions on our Analytical Services program. Confirmation of the sample(s) requirements, SDS sheets and additional information is needed prior to processing the Analytical Service order.
***Please do not ship any samples without authorization from MSE Supplies***