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MSE PRO Laboratory Furnaces– MSE Supplies LLC

Free Shipping on MSE PRO Online Orders of $500 or More! U.S. Orders Only * Offer Excludes Hazmat Shipments *


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MSE PRO Laboratory Furnaces

Buy MSE PRO™ Laboratory Furnaces from MSE Supplies for the best price. 

MSE supplies offers Tube Furnaces with maximum operation temperature of 1600°C and Box furnaces with maximum operation temperature of 1800°C. 

Tube Furnaces provide users with vacuum/controlled atmosphere and high temperature. They are widely used for many processes, including heat treatment of metal in different atmospheres, catalyst formation that need inert gas protection, etc. Fields of application include semiconductor, nanotechnology and carbon fiber, etc. 

Box Furnaces are mainly used for sintering and oxidation experiments of ceramic, composite, metal, nano, functional, thermoelectric and crystal materials, etc., with the convincing price/performance ratio and the fast heat-up rates.

Tube Furnaces up to 3 heating zones

Tube Furnaces up to 1600°C

Box Furnaces up to 1800°C

We offer Tube Furnaces and Box Furnaces with different sizes and Tmax . For more information, please contact us.