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2016 List of The 150 Most Cited Scholars in Energy Research by Elsevie– MSE Supplies LLC

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2016 List of The 150 Most Cited Scholars in Energy Research by Elsevier Scopus Data

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These most cited scholars are either the corresponding author or the first author of their publications.  Among all researchers worldwide, only the top 150 in the field of Energy Research are included in the following list ranked by the total citations of their papers. The citation data are based on the Elsevier Scopus database.  MSE Supplies ( has compiled the ranking data and listed the names and institutions of these highly cited scholars.


When ranked by the number of highly cited scholars, the Technical University of Denmark and National University of Singapore both have 3 highly cited scholars, and are ranked at the top.  Another 14 institutions have at least two highly cited scholars in energy research working there. 

the most cited scholars in energy research

      Name                                      Subject                       Institution
Lund, Henrik Energy Sci & Eng Aalborg University
Sovacool, Benjamin K. Energy Sci & Eng Aarhus University
Bachu, Stefan Energy Sci & Eng Alberta Innovates
Padhi, Akshaya K. Energy Sci & Eng Apple
Thackeray, Michael M. Energy Sci & Eng Argonne National Laboratory
Zabaniotou, Anastasia A. Energy Sci & Eng Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Bridgwater, Anthony V. Energy Sci & Eng Aston University
Brodd, Ralph J. Energy Sci & Eng Broddarp of Nevada Inc.
Chen, Liquan Energy Sci & Eng Changchun Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS
WANG, Chengshan Energy Sci & Eng China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
Chow, Tintai Energy Sci & Eng City University of Hong Kong
Leung, Michael K. H. Energy Sci & Eng City University of Hong Kong
Anthony, Edward John Energy Sci & Eng Cranfield University
Adánez, Juan Energy Sci & Eng CSIC
Li, Chun Zhu Energy Sci & Eng Curtin University
Jiang, Sanping Energy Sci & Eng Curtin University
Kalogirou, Soteris A. Energy Sci & Eng Cyprus University of Technology
Makrlík, Emanuel Energy Sci & Eng Czech University of Life Sciences
Dahn, Jeff Energy Sci & Eng Dalhousie University
Sun, Gongquan Energy Sci & Eng Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
Zhang, Huamin Energy Sci & Eng Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
Yang, Xichuan Energy Sci & Eng Dalian University of Technology
Bejan, Adrian C C Energy Sci & Eng Duke University
Blocken, Bert Energy Sci & Eng Eindhoven University of Technology
Lindquist, Sten Eric Energy Sci & Eng Eniro
Lin, Chiuyue Energy Sci & Eng Feng Chia University
Dagaut, P. Energy Sci & Eng French National Academy of Sciences
Sari, Ahmet Energy Sci & Eng Gaziosmanpasa University
Sun, Yangkook Energy Sci & Eng Hanyang University
Scrosati, Bruno Energy Sci & Eng Helmholtz Institute Ulm
Agarwal, Avinash Kumar Energy Sci & Eng Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Das, Debabrata Energy Sci & Eng Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Zaghib, Karim Energy Sci & Eng Industry Canada
Aricò, Antonino Salvatore Energy Sci & Eng Inst CNR TAE
Liu, Zhaolin Energy Sci & Eng Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A-Star, Singapore
Ancheyta, Jorge Energy Sci & Eng Instituto Mexicano Del Petroleo
Na, Hui Energy Sci & Eng Jilin University
Kaygusuz, Kamil L. Energy Sci & Eng Karadeniz Technical University
Saidur, Rahman Energy Sci & Eng King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Abido, Mohammad Ali Energy Sci & Eng King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Çanakçi, Mustafa Energy Sci & Eng Kocaeli University
Mochida, Isao Energy Sci & Eng Kyushu University
Roy, Christian Energy Sci & Eng Laval University
Buongiorno, Jacopo Energy Sci & Eng Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Kreuer, Klaus Dieter Energy Sci & Eng Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Shao, Zongping Energy Sci & Eng Nanjing Tech University
Gao, Xueping Energy Sci & Eng Nankai University
Chan, Siewhwa Energy Sci & Eng Nanyang Technological University
Chi-Chuan, Wang Energy Sci & Eng National Chiao Tung University
Dominko, Robert Energy Sci & Eng National Institute of Chemistry
Bruno, Thomas J. Energy Sci & Eng National Institute of Standards and Technology
Wu, Maosung Energy Sci & Eng National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences
Czernik, Stefan R. Energy Sci & Eng National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Wang, Haijiang Energy Sci & Eng National Research Council Canada
Zhang, JiuJun Energy Sci & Eng National Research Council of Canada
Ho, Kuochuan Energy Sci & Eng National Taiwan University
Hwang, B. J. Energy Sci & Eng National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Rakopoulos, Constantine D. Energy Sci & Eng National Technical University of Athens
Curran, Henry J. Energy Sci & Eng National University of Ireland, Galway
Ang, Bengwah Energy Sci & Eng National University of Singapore
Chowdari, Bobba V Bobba Energy Sci & Eng National University of Singapore
Wang, Qing Energy Sci & Eng National University of Singapore
Chen, Lingen Energy Sci & Eng Naval University of Engineering
Dreizin, Edward L. Energy Sci & Eng New Jersey Institute of Technology
Scott, Keith Energy Sci & Eng Newcastle University
Barnett, Scott A. Energy Sci & Eng Northwestern University
Svendsen, Hallvard Fjøsne Energy Sci & Eng Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU
Xu, Wu Energy Sci & Eng Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Shao, Yuyan Energy Sci & Eng Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Wang, Chaoyang Energy Sci & Eng Pennsylvania State University - University Park
Song, Chunshun Energy Sci & Eng Pennsylvania State University - University Park
Kaldellis, John K. Energy Sci & Eng Piraeus Institute of Technical Education
Lewandowski, Andrzej Energy Sci & Eng Poznan University of Technology
Law, Chungking Energy Sci & Eng Princeton University
Dryer, Frederick L. Energy Sci & Eng Princeton University
Mudawar, Issam A. Energy Sci & Eng Purdue University - West Lafayette
Yoshio, Masaki Energy Sci & Eng Saga University
Hassoun, Jusef Energy Sci & Eng Sapienza University of Rome
Mullins, Oliver C. Energy Sci & Eng Schlumberger-Doll Research Center
Myung, Seungtaek Energy Sci & Eng Sejong University
Amjady, Nima Energy Sci & Eng Semnan University
Sohn, Hunjoon Energy Sci & Eng Seoul National University
Wen, Zhaoyin Energy Sci & Eng Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wang, Ruzhu Energy Sci & Eng Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Rahimpour, M. R. Energy Sci & Eng Shiraz University
Niknam, Taher Energy Sci & Eng Shiraz University of Technology
Dash, Pradipta Kishore Energy Sci & Eng Siksha O Anusandhan University
DemirbaÅ, Ayhan Hilal Energy Sci & Eng Sirnak University
Demirbas, Ayhan Hilal Energy Sci & Eng Sirnak University
Li, Weishan Energy Sci & Eng South China Normal University
Shen, Peikang Energy Sci & Eng Sun Yat-sen University
Kay, Andreas Energy Sci & Eng Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Steinfeld, Aldo Energy Sci & Eng Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Jörgensen, Mikkel E. Energy Sci & Eng Technical University of Denmark
Li, Qingfeng Energy Sci & Eng Technical University of Denmark
Krebs, Frederik C. Energy Sci & Eng Technical University of Denmark
Fernando, Sandun D. Energy Sci & Eng Texas A&M University
Gustavsen, Bjørn Energy Sci & Eng The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research
Wang, Shengwei Energy Sci & Eng The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ni, Meng Energy Sci & Eng The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Shao, Minhua Energy Sci & Eng The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Zhao, Tianshou Energy Sci & Eng The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Brandon, Nigel Energy Sci & Eng The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Conejo, Antonio J. Energy Sci & Eng The Ohio State University - Columbus
Leung, Yiu Cheong Energy Sci & Eng The University of Hong Kong
Green, Martin Andrew Energy Sci & Eng The University of New South Wales
Wall, Terry F. Energy Sci & Eng The University of Newcastle, Australia
Manthiram, Arumugam Energy Sci & Eng The University of Texas at Austin
Li, Xianguo Energy Sci & Eng Tianjin University
Qiu, Xinping Energy Sci & Eng Tsinghua University
Xu, Kang Energy Sci & Eng U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Zhang, Sheng S. Energy Sci & Eng U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Amine, Khalil Energy Sci & Eng U.S. Department of Energy
Yang, Zhenguo Energy Sci & Eng UniEnergy Technologies
Balat, Mustafa Energy Sci & Eng University Mahallesi
Steele, Brian CH H Energy Sci & Eng University of California, Berkeley
Burke, Andrew F. Energy Sci & Eng University of California, Davis
Abdou, Mohamed Aly Mohamed Energy Sci & Eng University of California, Los Angeles
Vafai, Kambiz Energy Sci & Eng University of California, Riverside
Lapuerta, Magín Energy Sci & Eng University of Castilla–La Mancha
Faghri, Amir Energy Sci & Eng University of Connecticut
Kempton, Willett M. Energy Sci & Eng University of Delaware
Costamagna, Paola Energy Sci & Eng University of Genoa
Williams, Paul T. Energy Sci & Eng University of Leeds
Cabeza, Luisa F. Energy Sci & Eng University of Lleida
Liu, Hongtan Energy Sci & Eng University of Miami
Boehman, André Louis Energy Sci & Eng University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Winter, Martin Energy Sci & Eng University of Muenster
Brousse, Thierry Energy Sci & Eng University of Nantes
Di Blasi, C. Energy Sci & Eng University of Naples Federico II
Payne, James E. Energy Sci & Eng University of New Orleans
Rosen, Marc A. Energy Sci & Eng University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Dinçer, Ibrahim Energy Sci & Eng University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Billinton, Roy R. Energy Sci & Eng University of Saskatchewan
Dalaï, Aja? Kumar Energy Sci & Eng University of Saskatchewan
Xia, Changrong Energy Sci & Eng University of Science and Technology of China
Lee, Keat Teong Energy Sci & Eng University of Science, Malaysia
Popov, Branko N. Energy Sci & Eng University of South Carolina - Columbia
Varcoe, John R. Energy Sci & Eng University of Surrey
Mench, Matthew M. Energy Sci & Eng University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Senjyu, Tomonobu Energy Sci & Eng University of the Ryukyus
Tsubaki, Noritatsu Energy Sci & Eng University of Toyama
Djilali, Ned Energy Sci & Eng University of Victoria
Chen, Zhongwei Energy Sci & Eng University of Waterloo
Knothe, Gerhard Energy Sci & Eng USDA ARS National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research
Van Vuuren, Detlef P. Energy Sci & Eng Utrecht University
Chen, Jincan Energy Sci & Eng Xiamen University
Huang, Zuohua Energy Sci & Eng Xian Jiao Tong University
Guo, Liejin Energy Sci & Eng Xian Jiao Tong University
Hepbasli, Arif Energy Sci & Eng Yasar University

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