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MSE PRO Waterborne Matte Soft-Touch Resin, 25kg/Barrel– MSE Supplies LLC

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MSE PRO Waterborne Matte Soft-Touch Resin, 25kg/Barrel

MSE PRO Waterborne Matte Soft-Touch Resin, 25kg/Barrel

SKU: CM0903

  • £1,03100
  • Save £12400

MSE PRO™ Waterborne Matte Soft-Touch Resin, 25kg/Barrel

MSE Supplies offers aliphatic waterborne self-matting polyurethane that can be formulated into waterborne two-component fully matte soft-touch topcoats for plastics, rubber paints, and elastic paints. When used in combination with waterborne isocyanate hardeners, it provides excellent durability, scratch resistance, and superior tactile properties.

  • Excellent tactile feel (rubber-like or soft-touch feel), with high transparency.
  • Extremely low gloss, with 0° gloss at a 60° angle on black paper cards.
  • Good adhesion, can be sprayed directly.
  • Good water resistance and chemical resistance.
  • Suitable for soft-touch applications on plastics, wood, paper, films, etc.


Appearance  Milky white viscous liquid
Solid Content (%) 33+/-1
pH 7-9
Minimum Film-Forming Temperature (MFFT/°C) 5
Viscosity (mPa.s) <2200

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from light. Storage temperature 5-35°C.

MSE Supplies offers various water-based resins, please contact us to discuss your needs.