Thermogravimetric (TG) Analytical Service
Thermogravimetric Analysis (abbreviated as TG or TGA) is a technique that measures the relationship between a sample's mass and temperature or time under programmed temperature control and specific atmospheric conditions. The record obtained from thermogravimetric analysis is called a thermogravimetric curve (TG curve). The first derivative of the TG curve with respect to temperature or time results in the derivative thermogravimetric curve (DTG curve), which serves as an important complementary representation of the TG signal.
The thermogravimetric curve is a relationship curve plotted with temperature (or heating time) on the horizontal axis and mass on the vertical axis, representing the cumulative mass loss of the sample during heating. The unit of mass is typically in mg or percentage (%), while the temperature is in °C or K. Generally, temperature is used as the horizontal axis.
The derivative thermogravimetric curve (DTG) is a relationship curve with the first derivative of mass with respect to temperature (or time) on the vertical axis and temperature (or time) on the horizontal axis, representing the rate of change in sample mass as a function of temperature (or time).
The DTG curve has many advantages over the TG curve, such as:
The DTG peak area allows for precise determination of the mass change in the sample, which enables better qualitative and quantitative analysis.
The DTG curve clearly shows the various stages of thermal weight change in the sample, effectively revealing overlapping reactions, whereas the stages are not easily distinguishable on the TG curve.
It provides convenient reaction rate data for reaction kinetics calculations.
The DTG is comparable to DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis), and comparing the two can help determine whether a peak is caused by mass change or heat change.
It should be noted that the peak temperature of the DTG curve reflects the temperature at which the mass change rate is at its maximum, not the decomposition temperature of the sample or the temperature at which the sample begins to lose mass.
Testing Procedure
The general steps for routine testing are as follows (for reference only):
Sample Preparation: Select an appropriate sample and perform any necessary pre-treatment, such as grinding, sieving, or drying. Ensure that the sample's quality and purity meet the experimental requirements.
Instrument Setup: Set up the instrument according to the experimental requirements, including calibrating the thermocouple, weighing the sample and reference material, and setting parameters such as heating/cooling rates. Ensure that the instrument is functioning properly and is ready for the experiment.
Sample Loading: Place the prepared sample onto the sample pan or sample stage. Determine the sample’s mass range and quantity according to experimental requirements, ensuring an even distribution and proper loading.
Purging the Instrument: Before starting the experiment, ensure that the environment within the instrument matches the experimental requirements. Use an inert gas (such as nitrogen) to purge the system to ensure the purity of the experimental environment.
Running the Experiment: Start the experiment and perform temperature changes according to the specified heating/cooling program. Throughout the experiment, record and monitor the sample’s mass changes and thermal responses. Also, record the ambient temperature and the reference material’s thermal response as a baseline.
The list prices are for N2 atmosphere only. For other testing condition, please contact us for technical consultation and receive a quote for your specific TGA analysis requirements.
Analytical Service Minimum order requirement: $250 per order. A $200 handling fee will be applied if order is below $250.
Please contact sales@msesupplies.com for additional information and instructions on our Analytical Services program. Confirmation of the sample(s) requirements, SDS sheets and additional information is needed prior to processing the Analytical Service order.
***Please do not ship any samples without authorization from MSE Supplies***
Please contact us for quotation.
* Note: Data analysis service is not included in the list prices.
Highlights: High Quality Data, Competitive Pricing, Technical Support by Scientists.